Schneider Electric’s new country president, Eric Léger recently made some key announcements about the company’s vision for growth in southern Africa. The internal structure has been reorganised in line with this vision and Léger has made several new appointments, including Canninah Mapena as director of the key energy division and Wilhelm Swart as vice president of Schneider’s industry and mining cluster.
[From left]: Jacqui Gradwell, vice president, marketing and communications; Wilhelm Swart, vice president, industry and mining cluster; Zanelle Dalglish, head of sustainable development; Joe Madungandaba, chief executive officer, Community Investment Holdings; Canninah Mapena, energy division director; Dr Anna Mokgokong, executive chairperson, Community Investment Holdings; Eric Léger, country president for Schneider southern Africa.
Introducing his new management team, he announced that Schneider intends to change its scale in Africa and is aiming to become number one in every segment, both in the domestic market and in the southern African region. With the focus on growing market share, Schneider will be aiming at the medium- and low-voltage market segments, as well as increasing sales of its energy efficiency solutions, with the possibility of acquisitions along the way.
Reinstatement opportunity for ECSA registration
In 2023 the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) announced a special opportunity for engineers in South Africa to reinstate their registration status if it had been cancelled. This exclusive offer is available until the end of August 2024.
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Today’s building management systems cannot function properly without sensors. Like our senses, they are an integral part of operations that run silently in the background, almost taken for granted.