The Cape Town branch held its AGM on 23 February at Greens in Plattekloof. The 2012 committee was elected at the meeting with Raymond Cloete taking over as chairman from Selvan Murugan who is standing down after two years. Raymond will be leading the Cape Town Branch with his team of Mothibi Thabeng (vice chairman) Izak Muller (treasurer), Alain Nkodia (events coordinator) and Derwyn Oxley (innovations champion). The role of innovations champion was introduced to increase branch membership and align branch activities closer to the SAIMC constitutional mandate.
2012 promises to be an eventful year with guest speakers and other exciting events planned by the committee. The branch theme for 2012 is ‘Getting back to basics’. The 2011 Technology Evenings focused on new technology (as requested by members) as well as disciplines that integrate closely with control and instrumentation. This included presentations on wireless instrumentation, robotics and hybrid control systems. The committee feels that 2012 should be a year where we provide more information in terms of control and instrumentation from a first principles perspective.
The main objective of 2012 will be to provide suitable value for all CT registered members in terms of the SAIMC’s mandate. This includes education and training initiatives, increased focus on technical standards and specifications as well as ensuring constant and improved communications with our membership.
The committee is pleased to announce that it has formed a partnership with the Arrive Alive initiative to ensure that all members arrive home safely after our events. This means that serving alcoholic beverages before driving commitments will not be taking place at our Technology Evenings. We hope that this initiative will contribute to lowering the accident statistics in South Africa.
The committee will also be hosting the first ‘Best Automation Award’ initiative in 2012. A number of organisations have already communicated their support and sponsorship and details will be posted soon to the Cape Town membership. This competition is an attempt to give recognition to the various C&I practitioners within the Western Cape area. In addition, the committee is hard at work scouring Cape Town for a training centre where we can partner to deliver on our mandate to provide education and training to our members.
Finally, the SAIMC Cape Town Facebook and Twitter pages are in the testing phase and all members are asked to contribute to these initiatives to ensure that they are successful. The SAIMC Cape Town Linkedin professional networking group has been in operation for the last year.
The branch exists to serve its members and communication is welcomed from all. Members are requested to ensure that their contact details are correct to receive all information posted by the committee.
Committee details
Raymond Cloete – [email protected]
Mothibi Thabeng – [email protected]
Izak Muller – [email protected]
Alain Nkodia – [email protected]
Derwyn Oxley – [email protected]
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