With its new CP6608 Ethernet Control Panel, Beckhoff has expanded the 'Economy' series with a 145 mm display version. The panel features an integrated PC with Intel IXP420 processor and several interfaces, making it ideal for industrial applications as well as building automation. With its display, which is optionally available as a touch screen, Beckhoff complements the existing CP66xx series with a more compact version. The user now has a choice among versions with 145, 165, 305, 381 or 483 mm displays. The centrepiece of the CP6608 is a Beckhoff Motherboard with a 266 MHz Intel IXP420 processor with XScale technology. The CP6608 has 32 Mbyte of flash on-board and 128 Mbyte of on-board RAM included as standard. Two Ethernet ports with 10/100BASE-T, two fast USB 2.0 ports and a serial RS232 port are available as external interfaces. Windows CE is used as the operating system.
The Ethernet Control Panel can be operated as a standalone PC or as a terminal client of a Microsoft Windows terminal server. In conjunction with the Beckhoff TwinCAT automation software, the CP6608 becomes a compact, 'all-in-one' controller and display for machine construction and system engineering applications. At the same time, it is suitable for building or room control applications in industrial buildings, hotels, offices and domestic buildings.
The built-in Control Panel CP6608 with aluminium front offers IP65 protection class at the front and IP20 at the rear. In addition to the standard grey colour, the front laminate is available in any standard RAL colour, providing numerous styles for customisation. A free Mini PCI slot offers additional flexibility. Fieldbus cards are available for PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet and SERCOS interface, as well as a third Ethernet port and an additional serial interface. Alternatively, the Mini PCI slot can also be used to install a memory card with NOVRAM for fail-safe data storage. The user can choose from cards with 128, 256 or 512 Kbyte NOVRAM.
EtherCAT interoperability removes industrial networking barriers
Fieldbus & Industrial Networking
Selecting the right communication technology is one of the most important decisions engineers make, and interoperability helps with that decision. Key development tools and standards ensure interoperability among many EtherCAT devices and manufacturers.
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With the AF1000, Beckhoff now also offers a variable frequency drive presenting a cost-effective solution for basic drive applications, including conveyor systems, pumps and fans.
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Motion Control & Drives
New Zealand has been at the forefront of technological development in agriculture for years. A recent example involves the use of SNPshot DNA tests, which harness the latest technology from Beckhoff to meet the needs of farmers who take samples in the field, and DNA laboratories that process the samples.
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Fieldbus & Industrial Networking
Beckhoff is enabling a real leap in automation technology performance with TwinCAT PLC++. Both engineering and runtime can be accelerated, while the well-known TwinCAT advantages of consistent integration, compatibility and openness continue to be delivered.
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Editor's Choice Fieldbus & Industrial Networking
The purpose of this particular article is to try and give those unfortunate enough to have to use SWAG (scientific wild ass guess) tuning a bit of an idea of how to go about it, and even more importantly some understanding of a couple of basic principles.