18 to 21 September 2007
Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg
Flow measurement continues to be of the greatest importance in terms of world metrology because of the high value of fluids bought and sold each day. Moreover, increasingly flow measurement is not only of economic importance, but also of environmental importance as flare gas emissions, wastewater, produced water and other similar flows are measured. This necessitates conferences such as FLOMEKO, which enables the delegates to discuss new technological advances and procedures.
Conference background
IMEKO is a non-governmental federation of 35 international member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Its fundamental objectives are the promotion of international interchange of scientific and technical information in the field of measurement and instrumentation and the enhancement of international co-operation among scientists and engineers from research institutions and industry. The activities of IMEKO are basically carried out through Technical Committees. Over a period of 27 years, FLOMEKO, under the auspices of IMEKO TC9, has grown to be the most successful series of conferences on flow measurement held in different venues around the world.
Call for papers
Technical papers on all areas of flow measurement will be accepted, including sonic nozzles, differential-pressure meters, ultrasonic flowmeters, electromagnetic flowmeters, mass flowmeters, multiphase and wet-gas meters, calibration techniques, intercomparisons, and standards.
There are two ways in which participants may deliver their material:
1. A full written paper which is published in the conference proceedings and accompanied by a 25 minute time slot including time for discussion.
2. A poster presentation which will be copied into the conference proceedings and discussed by the principal author during a poster session during the conference.
Both forms of delivery require an abstract to be submitted and accepted by the International Program Committee. The abstract should accurately summarise the content of the full paper preferably in Microsoft Word format with Arial font, size 12 and single line spacing. Please include, as far as possible, the following: the purpose of the paper, main arguments of the paper and conclusions. A short CV, together with the contact details and institutional affiliations, of all authors should be included in the abstract. It should also indicate the nature of delivery ie, 'Full paper' or 'Poster'. Supporting material in the form of tables, figures, background and references is allowed subject to a maximum overall length of three pages. All material should be written and presented in English.
Abstracts may be submitted by mail (including a copy of the abstract on disk) or e-mail prior to the deadline. The International Program Committee will review abstracts with respect to merit, relevance and clarity. If your abstract is accepted, you will be required to attend the conference to present the paper, answer questions and discuss your material.
Deadline dates
Submission of abstract - 30 March 2007.
Notification of authors - 1 June 2007.
Submission of paper - 6 July 2007.
Delegates are requested to return the 'Conference Registration Form', duly completed for themselves and any accompanying persons, by 16 July 2007 to the organisers. The registration form will be made available on the SABS website in due course.
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