SA Instrumentation & Control - Control Loop

Control Loop

Reader feedback sent to Michael Brown
May 2014, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
SA Instrumentation and Control contributing editor, Michael Brown, recently received some feedback on a loop optimisation article we published in the August 2013 edition. Since it is such a topical experience ...

Control loop - Case history 135
February 2014, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
The dancing valve.

Control loop: Case history 134 - Having fun with a positive lead on an integrating process
December 2013, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
One of the most interesting dynamics that can be found in the industrial control world is what is known as a first order lead on an integrating process. A positive lead integrator responds to a step change ...

Control Loop: Case history 133 - Life is never dull for a control engineer.
October 2013, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Following from the last Case History article, number 132, about interesting loops in a chemical plant where I do a lot of optimisation, here are a few more examples of interesting loops.    The basics of ...

Control loop: Case history 132 - Interesting days in a chemical plant
August 2013, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
One of the things I enjoy most in my working life is optimising base layer control loops in plants in the chemical, petro-chemical and paper industries. There are several reasons for this, but chiefly ...

Control loop Case history 131 - The myth: Loop cycling is due to bad tuning
June 2013, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
I have performed loop optimisation in hundreds of plants in various countries and there are many myths and misconceptions that are common to them all. The worst is that all loop problems can be solved ...

Control loop: Case history 130
April 2013, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Limit your controller’s output.

Control loop case history 129: Incorrect level control strategies cause instability
January 2013, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Incorrect level control strategies cause instability.

Control loop case history 128
November 2012, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Why use a base layer control system.

Control loop case history 126: Crazy control strategies
July 2012, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Crazy control strategies.

Control loop case history 125
May 2012, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Party tricks for the control engineer

Control loop: case history 124 - no control problems in a perfect process plant!
March 2012, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
No control problems in a perfect process plant!

Control loop case history 123
January 2012, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
I was recently requested to do a control performance audit on a mine situated in the Sahara Desert. The mine is run by expatriates from South Africa, Australia, USA, Philippines, France, Germany and Britain ...

Control loop case history 122: Boiler drum level control: Part 2 - controlling swell and shrink
November 2011, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Basic configuration and test results of three-element control

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