SAIMC: Cape Town branch August 2020, SAIMC The last technology evening was held on the theme: “How secure is your Industrial Network?” The branch thanks presenter Rob Wright and RJ Connect for hosting this successful event. Rob is the managing ...
SAIMC: Johannesburg branch July 2020, SAIMC Technology can be a wonderful thing. We have resources that allow us to talk face to face with people thousands of kilometres away. We have the ability to order equipment, furniture, food, or clothing ...
SAIMC: Vaal branch July 2020, SAIMC The branch held an online technical evening on 3 June, which was presented by SICK Automation. Our presenter, Dustin Naicker, has more than 9 years’ experience in analytical instrumentation and analysers. ...
SAIMC: Cape Town branch July 2020, SAIMC Technology evenings: Out with the new, in with the old… or not?
With the lockdown slowly lifting and life stabilising into a new normal, we at the branch are grateful that another technology event ...
In memoriam: Hendrick Frederik (Hennie) Prinsloo June 2020, SAIMC It is with great sadness that the SAIMC announces the death of branch general manager Hennie Prinsloo after a short but brave battle with cancer.
A stalwart and passionate member of the SAIMC since ...
SAIMC: From the office of the CEO July 2020, SAIMC Long name change for the SAIMC NPC: Society for Automation, Instrumentation, Mechatronics and Control.
SAIMC: From the office of the CEO June 2020, SAIMC President Cyril Ramaphosa rightly stated in his letter of 11 May: “Imposing a nation-wide lockdown gave our country a strategic advantage. It bought us valuable time to prepare our health system and put ...
SAIMC: Johannesburg branch June 2020, SAIMC Here we are at the end of May, still in lockdown Level 4. While we at the Johannesburg branch are doing our best to bring technology to our loyal members, there is still nothing like the human touch.
SAIMC: Vaal branch June 2020, SAIMC On 5 March the first coronavirus case was recorded in South Africa. The government reacted swiftly and called for a nationwide lockdown which commenced on 27 March 2020. Since then there have been extensions ...
SAIMC: Vaal branch May 2020, SAIMC At the last technology evening, Albert Louw, mobile control systems specialist from ifm electronic, gave a presentation on control systems for mobile machines, applicable to all mobile vehicles from transport ...
SAIMC: Durban branch May 2020, SAIMC The last technology evening was held in March, and as we headed into lockdown we reluctantly cancelled future technology events pending the reopening of the country. There is much discussion about whether ...
SAIMC: Cape Town branch May 2020, SAIMC Technology evening: Introduction to Profibus
What an interesting time and age we are in. If anyone predicted what future would be knocking on our doors in 2020, they would be a millionaire.
With ...
SAIMC: From the office of the CEO May 2020, SAIMC Amidst the turmoil of the latest coronavirus pandemic and the recent downgrade of South African government debt to junk, I’ve begun to wonder whatever happened to traditional values like responsibility ...
SAIMC: Johannesburg branch May 2020, SAIMC IIoT/Industry4.0/4IR – they cover a large area and don’t always mean the same thing. So how do we define any of these terms? Basically, they are about improving manufacturing efficiency, largely through ...
SAIMC: From the office of the CEO April 2020, SAIMC South Africa has experienced terrible crimes against humanity over the years and somehow survived them. The idea of this letter is not to discuss who murdered who first, or who took whose country – if ...
SAIMC: Vaal branch April 2020, SAIMC At the recent technology evening, Lloyd Townsend, product support specialist from Wika, presented on IIoT with a focus on digitalisation within our industries.
He said that there are many buzz words ...
SAIMC: Durban branch April 2020, SAIMC The branch held its most recent technology evening at the Durban Country Club on 4 March. Neil Burger, a specialist in ifm’s industrial networking department, gave a presentation which started at process ...
SAIMC: Johannesburg branch April 2020, SAIMC Who would have thought that tubing could be such an interesting topic? Alan Aldum of Swagelok entertained a good turnout at the Johannesburg Branch meeting in February. He fascinated them with insights ...
SAIMC: Cape Town branch April 2020, SAIMC Cybersecurity for industrial control systems
At SAIMC Cape Town’s recent technology evening held at Aurecon conference centre, Adriaan van Wyk presented a short introduction to the ICS Practical Risk ...