Ultrasonic level transmitter interface April 2000 Nivelco now offers the EchoTREK, a smart electronics interface for the established range of ultrasonic liquid level transmitters, using HART, Profibus PA or Modbus protocols. EchoTREK compact transmitters ...
Interface goes for the air April 2000 It is widely accepted that the use of ASi provides a considerable cost reduction in electrical installations by saving many parallel cables. A similar saving potential is now also possible for pneumatic ...
Second-generation valve positioner uses HART or Profibus April 2000, Valve & Automation The Arcapro positioner is a valve positioner of the second-generation which is characterised by substantially increased functions, higher reliability and a more compact layout. It has been designed as ...
Radio modem module April 2000 Sylvan Naidoo has been appointed Control Valve Specialist for Measure-Tech’s Valves and Controls Division.
Lorette Möller has been appointed Control Valve Specialist for Measure-Tech’s Valves and Controls ...
Emerging communications standard for rugged domains Jan 2000 This paper explores criteria that apply to all fieldbus and control networking contender, against the worldwide trend towards open systems. It also provides a description of some technical details regarding the application of lontalk on powerlines,and concludes with a case study where this protocol has been used for under ground communications in mines.
Venezuela soft drink producer goes Profibus Jan 2000 Sopresa, a Venezuela-based Pepsi bottler and part of the Polar brewing group, has made the technology leap to a Profibus fieldbus communication backbone for its plant. The backbone was integrated into ...
Profibus-PA expands its user base Jan 2000 United Distillers and Vintners Canada is one of the latest plants to install a Profibus-PA fieldbus system. This brings the total number of plants to more than 90 worldwide to have adopted Profibus-PA ...