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SAIMC: Zambia branch
September 2023, SAIMC
SAIMC Zambia branch recently held a technical presentation on variable frequency and variable speed drives for Copperbelt University students.

SAIMC: Durban branch
September 2023, SAIMC
The August technology meeting of the Durban branch of the SAIMC was kindly sponsored by Yokogawa. The topic of the evening was gas analysers and the environment, and was presented by Renier van Rooyen.

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO
August 2023, SAIMC
In our world of ‘equal representation’, mathematical models of gender, race etc. are often used by those seeking the masses’ approval, without understanding the complexity of the issues they are dealing with. One of those are women in engineering.

SAIMC: Durban branch
August 2023, SAIMC
The Durban branch of the SAIMC held their monthly technology meeting on 5 July at the Premier Splendid Hotel, as always.

SAIMC: MESA Africa news
July 2023, MESA Africa NPC
At the annual general meeting of MESA Africa held on 7 June 2023, votes were taken on the election of officers, effective immediately.

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: Another new engineering discipline
July 2023, SAIMC
In South Africa ECSA defines the various engineering disciplines within which professionals may register. These names may not always be the names that the industry would prefer. One of these names is ‘computer engineering’, which is quite misleading.

SAIMC: Durban branch
July 2023, SAIMC
The June technology meeting for the Durban branch of the SAIMC was held as usual at the Premier Splendid Inn in Pinetown. An intrigued audience listened attentively whilst Dhilkash Bahadur from ifm took everyone through his presentation on the evolution of vision systems and how it is shaping the next (fifth) industrial revolution.

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: SAIMC Code of Conduct
June 2023, SAIMC
We often hear concerns that the SAIMC has members from various types of companies, including suppliers, and that this could lead to unethical practices.

SAIMC: Zambia
June 2023, SAIMC
The Zambian branch of the SAIMC held its AGM on 18 March 2023 at the Mukwa Lodge in Kitwe.

SAIMC: Durban branch
June 2023, SAIMC
The Durban branch of the SAIMC held its May technology meeting on 3 May at the Premier Splendid Inn in Pinetown.

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: Remain in the loop
May 2023, SAIMC
Today I need to discuss how our members can remain in the loop with SAIMC affairs.

SAIMC: Durban branch
May 2023, SAIMC
The Durban branch of the SAIMC held its monthly technology meeting as usual at the Premier Splendid Hotel in Pinetown. Jurie Weidemann, external sales engineer at Pepperl+Fuchs, presented to an interested audience on the topic of Ethernet APL.

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: Will South Africa survive automation?
April 2023, SAIMC
The world is automating, and South Africa’s infrastructure is not ready for it, neither are its leaders. Automation is not the problem; it just highlights our problems – and they are not caused by technology.

SAIMC: Durban branch
April 2023, SAIMC
At the March technology meeting of the Durban branch of the SAIMC, Professor Ramsuroop, professional engineering technologist with ECSA, gave a very comprehensive overview of the challenges of the Identification of Engineering Work (IDoEW).

SAIMC: Cape Town branch
April 2023, SAIMC
The SAIMC Cape Town Branch recently held its annual AGM for 2023 at Zutari’s offices in Cape Town.

Unplanned shutdowns are an insult to professionals
April 2023, SAIMC
Previously I wrote about companies caught off guard by needing to understand the legislation relating to professional engineering practitioners, and not understanding the responsibilities placed on employers. Engineers, technologists and engineers are now regulated to a greater extent than in the past. Here are some of the questions that may arise.

ECSA Registration Workshop
April 2023, SAIMC
The SAIMC will assist technicians, technologists and engineers, who need to register with ECSA, in completing the ECSA registration forms during the AATF 2023 workshops.

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: Is automation costing jobs?
March 2023, SAIMC
The question on everybody’s lips is “Will automation lead to job losses?” In Europe, predictions are doing the rounds that automation will result in 12 million jobs lost. Then there are also predictions that this will not be that bad, as people will move into other roles.

SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
March 2023, SAIMC
The Johannesburg SAIMC meeting was held at Bryanston Sports Club on 18 January 2023. There was a good turnout and members had the opportunity to catch up with friends and discuss the year ahead.

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: South Africa: spectator or participant?
February 2023, SAIMC
A new study by the European Investment Bank, International Solar Alliance, and the African Union, has detailed the staggering potential of green hydrogen in Africa as well as the steps required to achieve ...


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