Sensors & Transducers

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Compact proximity sensors with long sensing range
April 2001, Turck Banner Southern Africa
Turck is offering its new Q25/Q30 compact inductive proximity sensors. These low-cost, long-range sensing devices can fit and function where standard size units may not. This unique combination of features ...

Optimal fire protection requires the correct detection system
April 2001
Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, an engineered fire alarm system is only as good as its detectors. For that reason Notifier takes a systems approach, integrating state-of-the-art ...

Two-wire proximity sensors with extended sensing range
April 2001
The new Quadronorm Plus range of inductive proximity sensors from sensing and control specialist, IFM Electronic, combines the convenience of extended sensing ranges with the easy installation and versatility ...

Optical sensors and accessories
April 2001
The Telco family of sensors, amplifiers, controllers and associated products are amongst the most reliable on the market, which is why they are chosen for some of the most demanding applications, where ...

Fire alarm system with video surveillance
April 2001
A large tobacco plant in Taiwan uses Advantech's ADAM-4050 digital I/O module for their fire alarm system. The tobacco plant consists of nine buildings that are up to 200 m apart, and as the dried tobacco ...

Rugged, versatile and compact sensors
April 2001
The Smart Place infrared self-contained sensor series is offered in three different modes of operation: through-beam mode with a sensing distance of up to 6 m, proximity mode with a sensing distance of ...

Teachable LED sensor has laser-like performance
April 2001, Turck Banner Southern Africa
Banner Engineering has introduced the L-GAGE Q50 light-gauging analog output sensor - an easy-to-use triangulation sensor that combines laser-like performance with LED safety and economy. The sensor's ...

A radar sensor for every application
March 2001, VEGA Controls SA
Application is possible even under the most difficult conditions - conditions under which other methods of measurement cannot be employed

Characteristics of universal limit switches for liquids
March 2001
A 'universal' limit switch is defined for our purposes to be a device which is able to cover more than 80% of all applications occurring in practical operation

Machine inspection system chosen by big names in motoring
March 2001
"The system is very flexible, maintenance-free, was not difficult to set up and provided us with the viable option we needed."

Flow sensors and switches without moving parts
March 2001, Spero Sensors & Instrumentation
The Weber flow-captor represents a family of a comprehensive and versatile range of calorimetric flow meters and switches. Calorimetric sensors are nonmechanical devices for the detection of flow of pasty, ...

Colour discrimination sensor now offers analog output
March 2001
Omron has introduced an analog output version of its E3MC RGB colour sensor. Able to accurately discriminate not just different colours but also shades of the same colour, the sensor provides three separate ...

Flow sensors that adapt to fit
March 2001
The new SI series of compact flow sensors from IFM Electronic, are easy and convenient to install in virtually any process application, thanks to the comprehensive range of adaptors that IFM is offering ...

Long range proximity sensor
March 2001, Turck Banner Southern Africa
Turck produces a flush-mount proximity sensor offering a high (50 mm) sensing range and dual diagnostic indicators. The Q80's dual diagnostic indication system provides a constant display of operating ...

Keeping tabs on the condition of critical switchgear
March 2001, Gail Norton Instrumentation
An area where critical processes can suddenly be interrupted (by loss of electrical power) is in the cabinets containing the switching gear. Switch contacts can, in time, develop roughness and corroded ...

In-line viscosity measurement in paper/pulp mills
March 2001
The measurement of viscosity of liquor when it is pumped into a black liquor recovery boiler has become more important during the last few years. Controlling the viscosity of the liquor has always been ...

Vacuum and overpressure measurement with one sensor
March 2001
The multipurpose PF/PI series of vacuum sensors from IFM Electronic have a measuring range from -100 to +100 kPa (-1 to +1 bar) and are designed for hygienic, pneumatic and hydraulic applications. Only ...

Sensing temperatures in difficult applications
March 2001, Temperature Controls
The Williamson PRO Series of noncontact temperature sensors from Temperature Controls provide high-performance capabilities in both traditional and difficult applications. With integrated processing ...

The correct location of gas sensors
March 2001
For effective gas detection, each installation needs to be considered in its own right, with reference to safety authorities and in compliance with mandatory local safety regulations. The sensor must ...

Electronic alternative to the mechanical pressure switch
March 2001
IFM Electronic's new PP type pressure sensors are suitable for both hydraulic and pneumatic systems. The sensors can be adapted to suit the application requirements by simply adding the programming module, ...


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