At ARC, we have been hearing and reading a lot more lately about the future of manufacturing. Some of this is best classified as 'doom and gloom' speculation.
Thoughts, trends, visions and strategies
Keywords: [asset management, automation, best practice, business centric, CIM, CMM, collaborative manufacturing, DCS, ISA95, lifecycle, lower cost, manufacturing, MES, MMP, operations management, PLC, regulation, roadmap, savings, scada, standards, strategy, supply chain, vision, wireless]
In this paper Dick Hill looks at how manufacturers can strategise for a successful future. After setting the scene of a changing world he jumps right into how to get started with a vision, the changing faces of automation technology, what to do about wireless, the need for standards and collaboration. Hill offers a new perspective on the enterprise domain, operations management, asset management and future possibilities before discussing the monetary value of realising the vision.
At ARC, we have been hearing and reading a lot more lately about the future of manufacturing. Some of this is best classified as 'doom and gloom' speculation. But manufacturers who have a vision of where industry is heading and what they think they can become within this context are sending us many positive signals. The point of this paper is to both discuss positive strategies for developing your own vision and to sketch out a possible roadmap to get you there.
My only caution is not to expect the journey to be an easy one. There are some terrific technologies and frameworks available, but do not expect someone to hand you a complete solution. There will always be 'some assembly required'.
A changing world
As a manufacturing company, you have already overcome considerable obstacles. You should take pride in where you are today. But, as you know, we live in an ever-changing world. Market forces have become global. Today, you can never relax knowing you are a leader in your region or your niche. There is always someone on the horizon with a new product, a lower price, or a lower cost of manufacturing.
Maybe your customers have always been demanding, but, today, customers are becoming even more demanding. If that was not enough, government regulations are putting more pressure on you. If you are in the food, beverage, or pharmaceutical industry, you have seen the impact of regulations aimed at making products safer for the public. At the same time, pharmaceutical companies in particular are feeling pressure to make their products available to populations around the world that often cannot afford them. Everyone around the globe is feeling the impact of rising energy costs. At the same time, today’s manufacturers have to reduce their carbon footprints and deal with other sustainable manufacturing issues, including increased costs for even some basic raw materials.
In many cases, the very people you want to turn to for help in these situations are likely part of the 'ageing workforce'. If there is any bright side to the current global financial crisis, it is that many of your older and most experienced workers are now likely to put off their retirements for quite a while.
But despite all these challenges, there are opportunities for agile manufacturers that can look ahead and have a vision of where they want to go.
Continued on the web
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For more information contact Dick Hill, ARC Advisory Group, +1 781 471 1125, [email protected],
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