Smart camera with pattern matching
July 2017
Sensors & Transducers
ASSTech’s Wenglor weQubeVision smart camera now has a new software pattern matching module that allows complex image processing applications to be implemented in just three simple steps. No expert know-how is required, thanks to edge-based object detection. The new software licence is available in the hardware variant with auto-focus or with C mount threaded connection. Objects can be recognised regardless of their position and rotational orientation within the image (X, Y and 360° tracking). An edge-based algorithm ensures that several identical and different objects within the camera’s visual field can be simultaneously recognised. The program code makes use of Halcon’s image processing library and ensures top quality, stability and high speed.
In addition to real 360° tracking, superimposed objects and objects in front of the complex, non-homogenous backgrounds can also be accurately and reliably detected. Scaled objects and varying distances from the object are also mastered easily by weQubeVision in order to assure high levels of process quality. Pattern matching is an excellent platform for additional functions, for example dimensional accuracy checking.
The licence is also available with either a colour or a monochrome image chip, white or infrared light and optionally with Ethernet or Profinet and Ethernet/IP. Existing cameras can be updated. By combining all software modules of the weQube smart camera, all intelligent image processing tasks for the automation industry can be easily implemented worldwide and in all industry sectors.
For more information contact Anastas Schnippenkotter, ASSTech Process Electronics & Instrumentation, +27 (0)11 708 9200, [email protected],
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